Sinamay Box

100 Painted Lady Butterflies in 2 Release Boxes
Release Painted Lady butterflies at your Wedding, Funeral or Special Event!
This package includes 100 Painted Lady butterflies in two handsome release boxes. A Painted Lady butterfly release is an affordable and lovely option for your special event. Painted Lady butterflies are small, friendly butterflies with a lower flight pattern and often fly away quickly when released but they are also known to linger near the release site and even land on people! The butterflies are packaged in two boxes and are ready to release so you do not have to transfer them.
Select from gold, silver or white satin, or scalloped glossy white for your boxes and indicate the ribbon or flower color you would like for ornamentation at checkout.

3 Dozen Monarch Butterflies – 2 Release Boxes
Monarch Butterfly Release Package for your Wedding, Funeral, or Special Event
This package includes 3 dozen Monarch butterflies in two handsome release boxes. The butterflies are packaged in the release boxes and are ready to release. Select from gold, silver, or white satin for your box and indicate the ribbon or slower color you would like for ornamentation.

3 Dozen Painted Lady Butterflies in 2 Release Boxes
Release Painted Lady butterflies at your Wedding, Funeral or Special Event!
This package includes 36 Painted Lady butterflies in two handsome release boxes. A Painted Lady butterfly release is an affordable and lovely option for your special event. Painted Lady butterflies are small, friendly butterflies with a lower flight pattern and often fly away quickly when released but they are also known to linger near the release site and even land on people! The butterflies are packaged in two boxes and are ready to release so you do not have to transfer them. Select from gold, silver, or white satin or embossed ivory for your boxes and indicate the ribbon or flower color you would like for ornamentation at checkout.

50 Monarch Butterflies in a Sinamay Release Box
Monarch Butterfly Release Package for your Wedding, Funeral or Special Event
This package includes 50 Monarch butterflies in a handsome sinamay release box. A Monarch butterfly release is a stunning option for your special event – when Monarch butterflies are released they tend to soar and glide gracefully through the air. The butterflies are packaged in the sinamay release box and are ready to release. Select from gold or silver for your box and indicate the ribbon of flower color you would like for ornamentation.